Terms and conditions

Please read the terms and conditions below carefully.

General Terms and Conditions –
1. Object

These general contract conditions govern the sale of Entry Tickets (defined below) for the KIZMI cultural and sporting entertainment, carried out by Davide Venturi d.i.
2. Definitions

The following definitions apply to these general contract conditions, it being understood that the definitions in the plural will apply to the relevant term in the singular and vice versa:

Organizer: Davide Venturi d.i. with registered office in Via  del Faggio 13 Rodano (Mi) Italy.

Customer: is the person who purchases entry tickets to the KIZMI event electronically through the website www.kizmi.it

Contract: is the agreement established between the Customer and the Organizer, with reference to a specific purchase of Entry Tickets, to be understood as governed by these General Contract Conditions, by the various rules indicated in the individual phases of the purchase process for electronically, when applicable, and by the warnings on the back of the purchased entry ticket.

Entry Ticket Holder: is the person who legitimately holds an Entry Ticket purchased by the Customer in accordance with these General Contract Conditions.

Festival: is the event to which the Entry Ticket refers and in which the educational activity of multiple artists is envisaged in the context of the same event.

Entrance Ticket: it is the document also in digital format issued by Davide Venturi d.i. via email which legitimizes the Entry Ticket Holder to access the Event Venue.

Event Location: is the set of buildings and land that constitute the places where a specific Event takes place.

3. Entrance Tickets and Events

3.1 All Entry Ticket Holders must be in possession of a valid identity document to access the Event Venue SINCE THE TICKET IS NAME-RELATED AND NON-TRANSFERABLE

3.2 The entrance ticket must be purchased through the sales channels operated by Davide Venturi d.i. or by a person authorized to market the Entry Tickets. In the event that the Entry Ticket has been purchased by the Customer from parties other than those indicated above or if the Entry Ticket has been lost, stolen, duplicated or obtained in conflict with these general contract conditions, the Ticket Holder Entry may not be authorized by the Organizer to access the Event Venue or may be forced to leave it.

3.3 The Entrance Ticket cannot be transferred by the Customer for consideration nor can it be the subject of intermediation.

3.4 Davide Venturi d.i. has the right, at the request of the Authorities responsible for the protection of public order and safety, to cancel an Entry Ticket, even if already issued, or a purchase order executed, at any time, for technical and/or organizational reasons, or where they arise problems regarding the actual payment by the Customer of the purchased Entry Tickets. In this case of cancellation, the Customer has the right to a full refund of the cost of the entry ticket paid as well as other expenses paid to Davide Venturi d.i. (but excluding any shipping costs),

4. Payment tools

Davide Venturi d.i. reserves the right to apply, for security reasons, limitations and exclusions to the payment instruments that can be used by the Customer for the payment of the purchased Entry Tickets.

5. Waiver

There will be no reimbursement by the Organizer of the price of the Entry Tickets or any service fees, in the event of the Customer giving up access to the Event. In the case of electronic sales, the right to withdraw pursuant to article 55 of the Consumer Code is excluded.

7. Event postponed or cancelled

7.1 In the event of changes in the programming and/or time of an Event, the Entry Ticket Holder will have, at the choice of the Organizer and according to the provisions that will be made known by the same, the right to obtain the replacement of the own Entry Ticket or any refund thereof (without prejudice to the provisions of the following point 7.2). In any case, the Organizer will be the only person responsible for any changes and the provisions made known in relation to them.

7.2 In the event that an Event is cancelled, the Holder of the Entry Ticket relating to that Event may request to be refunded according to the indications that will be made known by the Organizer. Only the price of the Entry Ticket will be refunded, excluding any other costs (such as, for example, service commissions, shipping costs,

insurance coverage premium, the cost of the gift box), without prejudice to the provisions of the following paragraph in relation to the right of pre-sale.

In the event that the Organizer avails itself of the right not to proceed with the reimbursement of the pre-sale right included in the price of the Entry Ticket, the amount not refunded as it relates to this right will not in any case exceed 13% of the total price of the Ticket input. If delegated to do so by the Organizer, Davide Venturi d.i. will carry out the reimbursement operations, according to the timing and methods decided by the Organizer and to the extent that it has received the necessary funding from the latter. Unless otherwise indicated by the Organizer, the shipping costs incurred for sending the refund request will be borne by the Entry Ticket Holder.

7.3 Except for any exceptions decided and made known by the individual Organizer, in the event that the performance of one or more artists scheduled as part of a Festival is canceled without this resulting in the cancellation of the Festival as a whole, the Holder of the Title of Entrance will not be entitled to any refund, in whole or in part, in relation to the purchase of the same Entrance Ticket.

7.4In any case, Davide Venturi d.i. will not replace the Entry Ticket in the event that it is lost, lost, damaged, damaged or destroyed or if the Entry Ticket has been stolen or is even partially illegible.

7.5 In the event of force majeure or, in any case, for reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, the date of the Event may be changed or the Event may be suspended entirely. Participants exempt the Organizer from liability for any direct and indirect damages of any kind that the participant has suffered due to the cancellation or change of dates of the Event, which they renounce as of now. The sum paid may be frozen and used for the next edition of the event or for other events organized by the Organizer itself.

8. Limitations of liability and rights of Davide Venturi d.i.

Except in the case of fraud or gross negligence, Davide Venturi d.i. assumes no responsibility for expenses and damages, direct and indirect, of any nature, suffered by the Customer in relation to the sale of Entry Tickets. Davide Venturi d.i. furthermore reserves the right to withdraw, modify, suspend or interrupt any function or service provided by it in relation to the sale of Entry Tickets, where this is made necessary or appropriate for technical and/or organizational reasons.

9. Prohibitions

Entry Tickets cannot be used for political, commercial, advertising or other promotional reasons (such as, for example, prizes in competitions) except in the case of prior written authorization from the Organizer

10. General

11.1Even if any of the rules set out in these general contract conditions are inapplicable, the others will continue to have full effect.

11.2 The Contract is subject to Italian law. The Court of residence of the Customer or, alternatively, that of Milan will be deemed competent to decide any and all disputes arising or in any case connected with the Contract and these General Conditions of Contract.

11.3 These general contract conditions, the various rules indicated in the various phases of the electronic sales process, when applicable, and the warnings on the back of the Entry Ticket constitute the entire contractual agreement between the Customer and Davide Venturi d.i..


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